Brothers and Sisters, Here are a few of the most frequently asked questions about COPE (Committee on Political Education).
The Cope Committee is a group of fellow members that work to keep our membership informed of the political events that have an impact on our standards of working and living.
The Committee works to provide information to our members on important legislation; we tell you the facts and what actions are in the best interests of organized labor.
Politics has major impacts on our everyday lives. Learning how the political process works is beneficial in how we approach an issue. Not all politicians see issues from our point of view. It is our job to explain labor’s position as an organized body and how the legislation will benefit the group.
The large number of voting union members is a powerful and influential tool. By casting our votes as a unified group, we can influence the political process in many ways. Health insurance, retirement, taxes, social security, national security, the environment, workers’ rights, outsourcing of jobs and trade agreements are only a few of the important pieces of legislation that will be handled by the politicians that we put into office.
Cope deductions from your pay checks are not wasted. This money is sent directly to the IBEW Political Fund to be distributed to politicians who are committed to supporting issues that are important to our union way of life. In 2006, we received over $62,000 from the IBEW Political Fund to help elect some of the highest-ranking elected offices in the state. If we pool our money together, as IBEW members, we can accomplish amazing things. We need to be informed voters at the ballot box so that we can make the choices to elect those who will represent union labor. That will allow us to rest assured that we can continue to prosper and provide a better world for our children and grandchildren. . A little change now could make a big change later.
Page Last Updated: Jul 28, 2022 (07:39:32)